I went to a breastfeeding class at the local hospital last night and left feeling pissed off. The first thing the nurse talked about was all the different ways women can be discreet while feeding their babies in public. In addition, while you and your baby are getting used to this new endeavor it's best to just stay home so you don't have to worry about being discreet.
So I sat there listening, trying to learn a whole new lexicon: latch, self expression, colostrum, football hold.... feeling caught up over her introduction to "being discreet". I was even given a catalog of discreet nursing wear and these funny shawl things that cover up your feeding baby as to not offend anyone. Ugh!
I finally raised my hand and lamely asked, "Is it OK to not be discreet?" The lactation nurse looked at me like I had ten heads. I went on to explain that I was uncomfortable with this idea that I needed to protect everyone around me because somehow my breast and attached baby would offend them. Come on! Am I suppose to squirrel away at home and only feed my baby in secret.
I feel like I can only do one of two things - either care about being discreet and carry it around as a constant concern or forget discreet and just focus and giving my baby what she needs when she needs it. It's a no brainer, isn't it?
They're just boobs people! Get over it! And stop teaching new moms it's something to be ashamed of and tucked away at the expense of you and your baby.