As You Wished- Dan & Jessie's Baby Blog

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Holding Pattern Continued

Midwife appointment today: dialated 3cm, 60% effaced.
For anyone who knows what that means and is interested. No real contractions so we aren't racing off quite yet. It just indicates that when the time comes (anytime between now and 3 weeks from now) my body has already done and begun some of the work.
I had a dream that I was 6 inches dialated. I told Dan and he asked if that was a lot. Think about it for a minute. I could birth a watermelon without knowing it at 6 inches.
I've encouraged Dan to "read the book."
Don't get me wrong, he may not be on top of his cm. vs. in., but he has been an amazing partner throughout this experience. I know that he'll be a wonderful labor assistant regardless of the measurements.
Plus he's always handy with a goof and a TAB - it's the hospital, Baby!


  • already 3cm and 60%!!! call me whenever, i don't care what time it is. can't wait to give newtie a big gentle squish.
    ps: i found ms perpetual motion in the corner cutting her red sox cookie up with scissors and packing it away in her bear backpack for "lunch"
    wierd but cute.

    By Blogger resident mama, at 12:20 PM  

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