
We went ring shopping on Saturday in Camden. We returned to the shop where Dan purchased my engagement ring. I had cleverly bid on and won a discount "coupon" for the store at the last Youthlinks auction in anticipation of our future needs. This is Camden, people! We can't afford Camden even with a coupon.
The whole scene was weird and uncomfortable. I think we both felt like complete rubes. We didn't even know what we we're looking for. You know... a ring or something.
Dan would pick something up and look at me, like I knew anything, "What about this one?"
When the jeweler finally brought out the tray with the "cheap"* rings (he held off as long as he could) we we're all over them like it was Filene's Basement.
I'm not trying to be cheesy by discussing the financial aspects of purchasing the things that will forever symbolize our love, respect, and commitment to one another. I'm just trying to realistic- $700 is too much money to spend on the thing Dan will probably lose. Ok... I'll probably lose.
The ring is only the reminder of your commitment and frankly I don't need to be reminded how much I love and adore my future husband. He's pretty great with or without some snobby platinum comfort fit size 12 wedding band.
*"Cheap" is relative. Camden "Cheap" = 1 month rent/3 + the electric bill for March.