Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Coming Soon to a House Near You...
What better way to while away a Saturday afternoon than assembling wedding invitations?
We know its a little earlier than most, but some of you are far away and need to plan and others- well, lets face it- are wicked slackers and need lots of notice.

My contribution to this project begins tomorrow with the application of stamps, the writing of addresses, and the sealing of envelopes.
(P.S. Much love to the Grubba, who built those chairs with Country Mouse a couple of weeks back).

We know its a little earlier than most, but some of you are far away and need to plan and others- well, lets face it- are wicked slackers and need lots of notice.

My contribution to this project begins tomorrow with the application of stamps, the writing of addresses, and the sealing of envelopes.
(P.S. Much love to the Grubba, who built those chairs with Country Mouse a couple of weeks back).
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
I Will Be Clothed

I have received a few comments regarding the on and on about Weasel and his get-up with no mention of my chosen garb. No fear my friends I will not let a pale, red-headed English man in a skort show me up. The wedding's on my turf and I'll be sure to "represent."
My mom and I have picked out the pattern and purchased the fabric. My friend, Al Jarreau's Only Fan, helped me chose the most flattering of styles during an ill fated and unplanned fitting at a Portland bridal shop. Hint: If you ever go try on dresses wash your hair, shave your armpits, throw a little lip gloss on, because no other place in the world has more mirrors than a bridal shop. There's nothing like a 360 degree view of a lazy-girl-in-winter's arm pit. Especially a girl that tends to be a little hippy at times (fashion/ideals not wide of waist).
The dress will be complete mid-February.
Stay tuned.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Crab Rolls On Buttery Hotdog Buns

We had a productive weekend in Weddingworld making decisions, purchases, and invitations. There is a limit however on how many decisions can be discussed and decided upon in a day. The limit is 2.
1. We ordered the kilt from some place in the U.K. ETA 10 weeks. Socks, jacket, waistcoast (otherwise known as a vest to us common folk), and skirt are on their way ... on a slow, slow boat.
2. The invitations have been properly worded and designed and are waiting for the quality cardstock to arrive by post. Assembly may occur this weekend.
3. The food... this is where we discover that the decision limit has been reached. We won't get into the details but whatever you do don't ask about the crab salad sandwiches. There will be cheese, bread, and beer. No surprise there. Sausages? My vote is for ice cream sandwiches! The floor is open to suggestions.
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
One of the things I have to remember is not to outdress the bride. However, Jess and I have decided that for the sake of having a fun and interesting day that I'm going to call up the dwindling and diminished celtic genes rattling around in here somewhere and don the traditional garb of my ancient maternal ancestors: the kilt. One bonus of this choice is that I'll never go short of Burns' Night invitations. For all you doubters out there who are wondering where I get off wearing a kilt, I once knew this Jamaican called Errol Campbell and he used to wear a kilt to social events. Thanks Errol for providing cover for my vaguely misappropriated satorial choice.
My spurious connection with Scotland comes through my mother, she of the Wilson family (bred like rabbits, that lot: cf. Harold, Woodrow, and August to name a few most likely unrelated Wilsons of note). Unfortunately, the Wilson tartan is not the most attractive plaid in the world. Fortunately, eons ago the Wilsons came under the wing of the Clan Gunn (including mad Ben Gunn from Treasure Island and Bryan Gunn, ace Norwich City goalkeeper) and so I'm entitled to wear the infintely more lovely Gunn tartan.
The trouble is that kilts and all the accoutrements are pretty flashy. Between the sporran (aka hairy man-purse), the sgian dubh, and the kilt itself, the whole ensemble is pretty glam. Luckily, most tartans come in three shades of decreasing intensity; modern, ancient, and hunting. So onto the examples:

I'm leaning towards modern, but we shall see. And for those of you wondering what I'll wear to balance out my different traditions, my father very kindly sent me a gold Essex Yeomanry lapel pin to wear in memory of my paternal grandparents:
I also own a pair of Admiral Nelson cufflinks, but that might be a bit much. We'll see.
My spurious connection with Scotland comes through my mother, she of the Wilson family (bred like rabbits, that lot: cf. Harold, Woodrow, and August to name a few most likely unrelated Wilsons of note). Unfortunately, the Wilson tartan is not the most attractive plaid in the world. Fortunately, eons ago the Wilsons came under the wing of the Clan Gunn (including mad Ben Gunn from Treasure Island and Bryan Gunn, ace Norwich City goalkeeper) and so I'm entitled to wear the infintely more lovely Gunn tartan.
The trouble is that kilts and all the accoutrements are pretty flashy. Between the sporran (aka hairy man-purse), the sgian dubh, and the kilt itself, the whole ensemble is pretty glam. Luckily, most tartans come in three shades of decreasing intensity; modern, ancient, and hunting. So onto the examples:

I'm leaning towards modern, but we shall see. And for those of you wondering what I'll wear to balance out my different traditions, my father very kindly sent me a gold Essex Yeomanry lapel pin to wear in memory of my paternal grandparents:

I also own a pair of Admiral Nelson cufflinks, but that might be a bit much. We'll see.