Sunday, December 30, 2007
Christmas Morning Number One

*Click (or clack) on picture to see The Tooth.

Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Santa's Helper?
Our tree is up and there are presents under. Presents that specifically say, "No feelies." Miss Roll-around seems to think this rule doesn't apply to her (I wonder where she got that from... not me!) This is why she has received the following title:
Ah yes, our own little Rubbish Elf. She may look helpful from afar but don't be fooled, she's rubbish at it.

Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm Having To Get Over It

So, I have put off introducing solid foods as long as I can. It's time, I know. I just have to get over the mess factor. It drives me to distraction to see giant gobs of food on my child's face and oozing out her fingers. I suppose this is all part of being a mom... mess. You asked for some pictures so here they are.

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Oh How Far We've Come
I began this series of pictures to document how much and how quickly Scout has grown, watching as she's filled out the two versions of her fancy beachcomber duds. In the last two months she has morphed from a sort of blob (albeit a cute blob) that lays around to a whirling dervish; constant motion and putting everything straight into her mouth (although I don't believe dervishes put everything in their mouths but you get my drift.) So Maybe our series ends here, I'm not sure. At least it illustrates my point.
First picture: Scout, 2 days old
Second picture: Scout, 2 months old
Third picture: Scout, 3 months old
Fourth pict....
Fourth picture: ......
Fourth picture: Scou...
Fourth picture: Scout, 6 months old

Sunday, December 09, 2007
What We've Missed

Monday, December 03, 2007
We Were Never Cold, Not Once
Here are just a few shots of our recent getaway to the Gulf Coast. It was lovely. Scout had a wonderful time as did we all. Thanks to everyone that helped make our vacation possible - including our dear dog sitter Michael.
Scout keeps an eye out for alligators in Mayakka Lake.
Three generations loving the sun, surf, and sand.
This is a crazy miniature circus exhibit at the Ringling Museum. The photo is taken from the second story looking down. Check out the people looking through the glass in the upper right-hand corner for scale. It took one guy fifty years to make this thing. Inside the big top there were 7000 scale model folding chairs - and each one of them really folded! Nuts!
Scout looks through the legs of an elephant. Or was it a Banyan tree. I can never remember.
How's this for Thanksgiving Day?

Sunset on Siesta Beach.
Scout dances at the drum circle.
Hanging out on Dad at Ringling.

Addressing the masses.