I'm Having To Get Over It
So, I have put off introducing solid foods as long as I can. It's time, I know. I just have to get over the mess factor. It drives me to distraction to see giant gobs of food on my child's face and oozing out her fingers. I suppose this is all part of being a mom... mess. You asked for some pictures so here they are.
And what about Scout? Does she like food for eating or playing or both?
By resident mama, at 1:24 PM
thank you for those photos...true nastiness!!
By leaningapplemama, at 10:05 AM
She likes food OK. Still trying to figure out what she's suppose to do with it. Sweet potatoes, bananas, and rice cereal so far. The rice cereal seems to go down the best.
By country mouse, at 6:48 AM
The bib in the top pic says it all!
By Margaret Porter, at 11:36 AM
Hooray to Bri and Wes and their bib choosing skills!
By Wisdom Weasel, at 11:43 AM
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