Week 18?
The newt is now the size of a baking potato. Lucky for the newt potatoes have been a welcomed veg around here since the start of this pregnancy adventure. At this rate he/she may end up looking like a potato- based on some pictures I've seen of newborns many of them do. Little pink squishy potatoes.
We had a lovely holiday away. The travel was doable although there's nothing like a smelly tube station to turn a preg. girl's stomach. There is an endless supply of carbohydrates and dessert in England so needless to say the newt and I ate! Not necessarily healthily but I think we both enjoyed ourselves.

The best part of the trip was meeting the newest addition to the Bookham family, Abby and Barry's daughter, Grace, who was born on Christmas Eve. She is so sweet! What a wonderful Christmas gift. Let's hope the newt follows in her cousin's footsteps.