We are home and back to our "normal" schedules. I battled my first real bought of PPD (Post Party Depression) today at work. I had such an amazing time! The weather was perfect, the company superb, and the love was all around. Thank you to everyone who came and spent time with us throughout the fesitivities.
You'll have to indulge us over the next couple of weeks as we're sure to recap all the wonderful and entertaining details in this space. We'll post the pictures as they roll in.

The woman in the Parrot is my cousin Matt's amazing wife Jill. She wins the good sport award for sure!! Once the parrot head was off and taken up in small arms the rules changed. It was open season on any kid wearing the head. I was witness to two muggings and am sure there were more.

The treasure hunt was so much fun and the kids were hilarious. I loved seeing the four year old Quincy march by in an eye patch and bandana, waving a flag and yelling, "I've got a mustache! I've got a mustache!" Priceless.