Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Our Goings On
Scout and I have transitioned to spending the weekdays on our own. On Tuesday we went to a nursing moms support group at the hospital. She weighed in and has gained over 1 pound! The investment of all day eating is paying off.

On Wednesday night Grammmie V and Grandpa Lelly came down for a visit and an early celebration in honor of Dan's birthday.

Thursday, Dan's birthday, Scout and I made it to the bottle redemption place and to the garden center. It was our first morning of errand running on our own - I've decided to celebrate all our little achievements especially when they include us getting out of the house. We bought flowers to plant a garden for Da-n/d's birthday surprise. Scout participated by napping for the exact time it took to plant everything.

Friday was our biggest adventure yet. Da-n/d graduated from his leadership program so Scout and I made the 45min drive to the Hutchinson Center to see the group project presentations and the graduation ceremony. Regional economic development isn't Scout's thing so she chose to nap throughout the afternoon's events waking up in time for cake and punch (that's my girl!)

It may not look it here but we are very proud of our guy for all his hard work and accomplishment over the past school year. He's gone done wicked good!
*As always, click on picture to enlarge.

On Wednesday night Grammmie V and Grandpa Lelly came down for a visit and an early celebration in honor of Dan's birthday.

Thursday, Dan's birthday, Scout and I made it to the bottle redemption place and to the garden center. It was our first morning of errand running on our own - I've decided to celebrate all our little achievements especially when they include us getting out of the house. We bought flowers to plant a garden for Da-n/d's birthday surprise. Scout participated by napping for the exact time it took to plant everything.

Friday was our biggest adventure yet. Da-n/d graduated from his leadership program so Scout and I made the 45min drive to the Hutchinson Center to see the group project presentations and the graduation ceremony. Regional economic development isn't Scout's thing so she chose to nap throughout the afternoon's events waking up in time for cake and punch (that's my girl!)

*As always, click on picture to enlarge.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
I feel like too many of the pictures have been of me and Scout, so for balance here's one of Jessie and her wee offspring she did so much for, without a thought for herself, over the last 10 months (don't mind Mira, she's a camera hog):

And just because it seems to capture the general mood of the household these days, here are the dogs sharing a moment:

And just because it seems to capture the general mood of the household these days, here are the dogs sharing a moment:

Monday, June 18, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
Happy 1 Week Birthday Kiddo!

We've had numerous visitors including a few members (in and out of utero) of her future gang - J-man, Nahum Appleseed, Mystery baby #1, and Mystery baby #2.

As of our post par tum checkup on Wednesday she has gained 2 ounces.
The nursing scene has become less frustrating and more productive with some good latch-work.
The funny purple shriveled cord fell off this morning to reveal Little Missy's belly button.
And of course for those of you on Ginger hair watch - so far signs are pointing toward some reddish highlights at the very least.

I'd like to take this opportunity to say that with the exception of the first trimesters nausea and the intensity of the four hour labor I have loved every minute of this experience. It had been a truly remarkable adventure and with the first week behind us I am ready and excited to start living the "rest of our lives."