Post Christmas Update

What a wonderful Christmas! I shall not name names without prior permission for fear of bringing unwelcome attention upon reticent New Englanders, but the upshot is that the tent and furniture for the wedding has been taken care of. Our biggest expense and our biggest worry has been dispatched with admirable and loving efficiency. Grateful and humbled don't even begin to describe how Jess and I feel about this. Thank you.
We also had a first glimpse of the lovely parting gifts
The next two tasks on the schedule are to lock in the post-wedding digs down the coast on the Pemaquid Peninsula (we are not going on honeymoon per se, as wise Maine residents we plan to save our "flee-to-the-sun" funds to when they are really needed and take off the following winter when the snow is deep and the air frigid) and to discuss the reception menu together and then with Ken the Super Caterer.
We have been to two weddings where Ken has done the food and really enjoyed both his culinary skills and creativity. he's also a friend to both of us- I know people say don't mix friends with business but this is Maine and the counter-argument to share the wealth locally is much better. We sort of know what general themes we want; its an afternoon affair and food will be served about 3ish so light and multiple seems to be the appropriate order of the day. However, to date I haven't got much further than endlessly repeating "shumai". This might make for a good driving activity when we head up to Bar Harbor for New Year's Eve. If you want to play along at home, make your non-binding, not-guaranteed-to-be-adopted-don't-get-all-pouty food suggestions below in the comments section (those without blogger accounts can sign in as anonymous and just leave a name somewhere on the comment).