As You Wished- Dan & Jessie's Baby Blog

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Cute is As Cute Does...

About a month to go before Scout-Day, and the dogs have decided to bond with the belly:

They might as well get used to the feel of Scout; she's going to be using them as bean bag chairs for most of their lives. Now if only they could get into the right bed at night, they'd be all set:


  • A Lexy Lew would blend quite well with the decor.

    Just saying.

    By Blogger Bill Norris, at 11:13 PM  

  • Alas, we are devoting our bespoke dog bed money to infant necessities but the time will come when these two will each have one of Wes's creations to ruin.

    By Blogger Wisdom Weasel, at 5:44 AM  

  • My own experiences of the pet/baby dynamic are not so happy. Mine is a cautionary tale.
    Henry has completely replaced Kitten as the object of our devotion.
    Kitten now exists in a forlorn state, the state a wife probably goes through when she realises her husband is having a long term affair yet has no intention of leaving her or of giving up the mistress. It is, simply put, a loveless marriage of convienience.

    By Blogger Mondale, at 6:26 AM  

  • so cute!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:16 AM  

  • I tell him that constantly, weasel. Whenever he starts going on in the faculty room about how much they neglect Kitten, I have to yell at him to stop. Some of the New Skinny Blonde Teachers always look all scared when I start yelling at him, as though I might be dangerous. True enough, I guess. I really lost it when he started making jokes about a sack and the East River. Jerk.

    Cautionary tale my ass. We expect TK to just fit right in as one of the creatures. We will tuck him into his own burrowing pocket in his own Lexie Lew bed (glad to know there may be two in your future - those dogs need some modern style!).

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:34 PM  

  • Indeed Bri; I am always amused by those around us who think their particular experience will replicate among everyone who follows in having kids (and not Mondale really, but other folks who butt in [he sort of has the right to butt in, and he knows I just ignore him anyway]). They don't know how we interact with our dogs, or how we have trained them, or how we function as a family unit, or even that I only work 3 minutes from my house.

    Every creature- dogs, baby, wife, husband- will get their fair share in our house. To our wannabe unsolicited advisors: yes, yes, whatever you say. Umm humm. Yep. Uh Huh. Sorry.. I drifted off, were you talking?

    By Blogger Wisdom Weasel, at 6:23 AM  

  • Fabulous photos.
    Awesome belly.
    Wonderful dogs.
    Lucky Scout.

    Can't you bed the infant in a Lexy Lew?

    (clearly I am ignorant on these matters...)

    By Blogger Margaret Porter, at 8:41 PM  

  • "Every creature- dogs, baby, wife, husband- will get their fair share in our house. To our wannabe unsolicited advisors: yes, yes, whatever you say. Umm humm. Yep. Uh Huh. Sorry.. I drifted off, were you talking?"

    I know you'll ignore me anyway but the above statement is a falsehood. The baby will get masses of attention, the mom comes next and the pets will cope, They will be walked and watered and loved as much as possible but the idea that eveyone will get equal love is hocus pocus. Like i said, pretty sure you're not listening anyway.

    The idea that we are getting rid of kitten beacuse of Henry is not quite true, we are getting rid of kitten (be it a good home or a final visit to the vet) because we are moving to the UK and to take an elderly cat would be foolish.

    By Blogger Mondale, at 7:07 AM  

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