As You Wished- Dan & Jessie's Baby Blog

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Thom Yorke, Good for Babies

Earlier today Scout rashly decided that she was more interested in making the different lights on the stereo flash rather than let daddy listen to In Rainbows by Radiohead. Daddy is still on his listening-to a-new-to-him-Radiohead-album- forty-two- times -before-he- decides- he-loves-it arc and so crawling was cut short in order to stop Scout from randomly turning off the CD player. On the plus side, we replaced crawling with dancing, which resulted in giggling, grinning, and arm flailing which daddy took as an infant thumbs up for the bleeps, bloops, white noise, thumping bass and adenoidal whining coming from the speakers.

Scout says: "Radiohead's In Rainbows? I give it five teeth and a toot!"

Come here you stripey bugger. You have fooled me for the last time. Dr. Cupcake Head bends to no one. No one!


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