As You Wished- Dan & Jessie's Baby Blog

Monday, January 28, 2008

Terrified Parents of the World Unite

These little buggers keep on developing, don't they? As we prepare to round 8 months we have four teeth (three bottom, one top- bizarre) and our primary mode of locomotion is roll/caterpillar/crawl/collapse giggling.

After awesome service the co-sleeper is heading back to Leaning Apple. The following sequence should illustrate why:

In the second photo above I think Scout looks like Yul Brynner in Westworld.


  • terrifying yes but but very cozy looking too.

    By Blogger resident mama, at 4:33 PM  

  • Despite the fact she barely slept in it we are going to miss the ol' arm's reach grab (at least I know missus is going to). SCB is much less impressed with sleeping in the pack-n-play. Really must get a crib, but oy!

    By Blogger Wisdom Weasel, at 6:54 PM  

  • or maybe you could just get her used to bunking with the girls. she is old enough now she can pull the dog hair out of her mouth.

    By Blogger resident mama, at 3:56 PM  

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