Scout's Four Month Photo Shoot
Having a mom that works two mornings a week means Scout travels the neighborhood enjoying the company of others. While visiting Hazel's "crib" M.M. (Mom Megan) took some great pictures of The Girl and The Girls.
Ah, yes. She scowls just like her mother.
With all the fun toys, visiting friends is like going to Baby Six-Flags. To make it authentic Scout even spits-up after some of the rides.
Four months old and already being cheeky for the camera.
Don't knock the chins - She can make a glorious, smelly, French style cheese in there.
Just hangin' in/at Hazel's crib.
"A horse walks in to a bar and the bartender says, 'Why the long face?'"
"What's a bar?"
"What? We weren't doing anything. Nothing to see here."

"What's a bar?"

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